Focus and Scope
Bangladesh Journal of Physics is an international peer-reviewed journal encompassing the contemporary interest of the researchers in the field of Science, Engineering and Technology. The scope of this is to include review, theoretical, experimental etc. papers on different subjects on physical science, including nanomaterials, thin films, composites, magnetic materials, superconductors, condensed matter, electronic, optoelectronic, sensor, devices, nuclear physics, particle physics, high energy physics, computational, mathematical etc.
ISSN: 1816-1081
Review Process
All articles in this journal will be reviewed in a double-blind review process. After submission, similarity check is performed to detect any possible plagiarism or redundant submission, and then articles are sent to the reviewers. The members of the editorial board are usually not the first choice as reviewers. Reviewers send the reviewed articles with their comments back to the editors. If accepted, the reviewed articles are then prepared for print. It usually takes 1-2 months in the whole process.
Detailed process:
The review process is as follows:
- After the paper submission, The Editor checks the paper’s composition and arrangement against the journal’s Author Guidelines to make sure that it includes the required sections and stylizations. The quality of the paper is not assessed at this point, but similarity check is performed to detect any possible plagiarism or redundant submission. Then two reviewers are selected per paper by consultation with the editorial board members.
- Papers are sent to the reviewers electronically and are given three weeks to submit their review report.(Double-blind peer-review system)
After the review process
- In case the paper is not rejected: The comments of the reviewers are sent to the author and asked to make the necessary revisions suggested by the reviewers.
- After the necessary corrections, in the next editorial board meeting, the paper is accepted for publication in the Journal.
- In case the paper is rejected by one of the reviewers: The comments of the reviewer are sent to the author and asked to submit the revised version. If the reviewer is satisfied with the revised version then it is accepted for publication.
- In case the paper is rejected by both of the reviewers: The paper is rejected for publication.
- The authors have to sign copyright and declaration form and are required to pay a publication fee.
- Finally, the Editorial Board makes the final decision on including a submission for publication.
Publication Frequency
Bangladesh Journal of Physics is published twice in a year (June and December)
Open Access Policy
This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.
Article Processing Fees
Our journal is free to everyone. Full text of all the contents is always available. There is a nominal article processing charges (APCs). Our readers can copy, distribute, and use their attributed research for non-commercial purpose free of charge. Our journal retains copyright of the articles through a Creative Commons attribution license (CC-BY-SA 4.0).
Source of Support
Funded by Bangladesh Physical Society (BPS).
Bangladesh Physical Society (BPS)